Testimonials for L'il Fraser Swaddles, Comforters & Sheets
I just wanted to send a quick thank you email to show my appreciation. I have used your baby wraps for the past 4 years for my two sons. I have used second hand ones and the quality is still fabulous, even given the high use and age. I am expecting my third baby in 2 months and will hopefully use them for him too. It's great to have a brand that sells products that actually do what they claim, consistently with such good quality. So, thank you, you should be proud to have established such a great baby brand.
Kind regards, Nicola (Berala)
A present from my neighbour. Best present I got!
I always buy for new mums..best present ever
I just wanted to say how happy I am with these swaddle wraps. My second child is now two months old and I think I've tried every kind of swaddle contraption and technique known to man. Your swaddles are such good quality and I wish I'd discovered them sooner. They are big and super stretchy and I can easily wrap my little girl up so she can't get out. She settles and sleeps in them really well too. I just wanted to say thank you for a great product!
Cheers, Jody (SA)
I love these comforters and often recommend them to clients . You can give a baby a comforter as early as 4 months . Just pop it in your baby's bed, making sure to take out any other toys as you don't want your baby to confuse the comforter as one of their regular toys . Attachment can take a few weeks so keep working at it xxx
Natalie Herman (Certified Sleep Consultant)
Your wraps actually are the bomb. We love them!
You need to get some of these wraps (name removed) they are AMAZING!!! X
I love that I could use them for my firstborn who was a good size (it was hard getting swaddles that were large enough) and for my second born who was premature and little (I doubled his over as he needed extra warmth). I love how they wash. I love that five years on after they were recommended to me for my eldest that you still have some if the same designs.
I love the softness of the wraps and the amount of give they have. It was the only wrap that I could keep wrapped all night! And my husband could too!
I love the size! It meant I could keep my wriggly ones wrapped! (And also the super softness and beautiful patterns!)
The L'il Fraser wrap was the first thing i purchased when i was first pregnant 5 years ago. We just welcomed our third baby last week and no matter how many times ive used the wrap its still like new; stretchy, soft and perfect to wrap our babies in. ❤
Love the size, the stretch, the feel, and that they are very forgiving with my lack of swaddling talent! ☺️
They are bigger than most wraps and they stay soft regardless of how much they are washed. I use them as a blanket on the grass, in the pram, a wrap at night, a comforter in the car and they make fantastic gifts! I was given mine as a gift and now always give one as a gift!
We love them endlessly, we've used them for both kids over and over. Some hundreds of washes. So so good. Wrap, feed cover, pram cover, blanket, and now - comforter and my girl totes them everywhere calls them "wrappy"
The design of your wraps was what first caught my eye. Then I find out you're Aussie owned - how fantastic to be able to support locally designed products!
We love them to swaddle our babies and they become there 'wrappies' or comforter blanket. My 3.5 year old still has his 'Cooper' blanket that he was gifted at birth - he must have it every night! Hoping my 4month old treasures his 'Jessie' & 'Bailey' as he gets older.
3 children later (youngest is 18months) we still use our wraps. The are the best! I used mine for feeding cover, pram cover, light blanket, Cot sheet, everything and anything when travelling! And of course wrapping our babies in. Best baby product ever, and I always give as a baby shower gift. Love lil Fraser wraps!! X