Why an unstructured swaddle wrap could be more useful than a sleeping bag
I remember when a midwife first showed me how to wrap my baby, I never thought I'd master it. The curious thing is how much I revered her expertise. She was like some alien being with special secret powers passed down to her from generations of midwives before her. I was intimidated and I felt inadequate. Bathing a baby? Terrifying. Patting to sleep? Harder than learning CPR. Picking up and walking with my baby? Highly risky Wrapping them securely for sleep? Origami nightmare.
Roll on some years and I cannot for the life of me conjure up this feeling again. Wrapping a baby in a L'il Fraser Collection swaddle wrap is one of the simplest things you'll ever do, way easier than breastfeeding (well, in my experience) and a lot simpler than putting on a baby carrier (all that adjusting buckles and whatnot).
For a start, baby is lying down. Just this time, lie them down on top of the swaddle.
Secondly, we no longer wrap the legs and bottom area tightly, so you are a champion if you do a sloppy wrap! What a winning thought that it!
Thirdly, a quick check of any online video including those on this site, shows it's the simplest of methods - really it's just a 1, 2, 3 system - and you're done.
Fourthly, your baby will be all finished with swaddling by about four months or when they begin to roll over. So why not just dress them in a onesie and let me roll about happily, and use your L'il Fraser swaddle wrap for a million and one other uses?
For example, wrap your L'il Fraser over your shoulder when breastfeeding, it's an instant nursing shawl. You could buy some of those plastic pram clips to keep it from slipping off your shoulder.
Or, drape it over the seat of your baby capsule in the shopping trolley. It will be much nicer than the grotty vinyl.
Or, use it as a pram blanket or sheet. Being pure cotton, L'il Fraser swaddle wraps are beautifully breathable and cool, but can be tucked in to make babies feel secure.
Try it as a nappy changemat. Let's face it, most nappy change mats are a little small. L'il Fraser swaddle wraps are 120 cm x 120 cm and can be thrown in the wash quickly and easily.
Use it as a tummy time blanket. Tummy time on a scratchy rug or kilm is no fun and you don't want carpets soiled with dribble or worse.
Drape it over a car window to stop the bright sunlight getting in, and when baby is older, they can cuddle it while you drive.
Put it in the bed with your toddler to remind them of their babyhood. It will be the softest comforter blanket you can own. Or buy the L'il Fraser puppy comforter on this site and swap them around when one is in the wash.
Enjoy having a large soft cotton L'il Fraser for all the myriad uses when out and about, from holding up while a toddler has a roadside toilet stop, to making up a temporary bed for a nap while visiting.
The little sleeping bag is popular, but L'il Fraser swaddle wraps are far and away more versatile. And these days, a multi-tasker is surely more valuable?